Development Workflow

App Inventor 2

Created by Jose Dominguez / @josmasflores

Contributing through github?

Make sure you have read Contributing through github

Make a feature branch

            git checkout -b bugfix34 
creates a new branch and checks it out automatically

File changes

              git add buttonStyle.css 
              git commit -m 'adds new button stlyle: #34' 
              git push origin bugfix34 
make any changes you need, add, commit, and push to your repo as a remote branch

Open a Pull Request

Click on 'Compare & pull request'

Submit Pull Request

Make sure all changes are corrent and click on 'Send pull request'. Especially make sure that the origin is your new branch and the destination is mit-cml:newblocks. If that is not the case, click on 'edit'

you are now ready to go!

Your pull request will be reviewed: expect comments and you might have to make changes too!

Checkout the App Inventor Developer Overview for more information about the overall architecture of the system.


Feel free to contact the Open Source group for any additional information

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.